November 2021
Zoomax Snow is an excellent reading aid for visually impaired. No learning, no training, three large and intuitive buttons just show you how the electronic video magnifier works directly and keep you away from troublesome operation instruction. Press Freeze Frame button to capture the image for clear viewing and you can even zoom in/out or change the viewing mode of the still image smoothly. Check out the video on YouTube to see how it works. Used only a few times by my mother who had advanced macular degeneration. This device enabled her to read mail, magazines and medicine bottles.
Jane P. B.

Previous Readers
July 2021
This is long but, so worth it. Since Tanner was 3 and we got his official diagnosis for his vision, we’ve waited for a miracle to happen. He’s legally blind (20/200 in his “good eye” and 20/400 in the other). He also suffers from nystagmus and strabismus causing near to no decent vision on his best days. We always just assumed with new technology someone would find a way to transplant optic nerves. Well, we’re still waiting for that miracle but until that day comes, Tanner has received the most wonderful gift of sight that we could hope for. God makes miracles happen in many, many ways. The new Acesight device has enabled Tanner to go from 20/200 and 20/400 all the way down to 20/40, long distance vision! I ugly cried, ya’ll! And I’m not ashamed to say it! He could see me from across the room. He could see his fiancée from across the room. He went outside and just stopped. I wanted to die. For the first time in his life he could see what we see and it overwhelmed him. We walked to a restaurant to celebrate and again, for the first time, he was able to read the menu independently. The waiter was so patient with us because he scanned and scanned the menu. He got a headache after about 45 minutes of wearing his new “eyes” because the visual stimulation was too much to take in at one time, so he’ll have to baby step his way to full time use. Don’t ever give up praying for a miracle. It might not come the way you’d expect but I can promise you it’ll happen the way God wants it to happen. Now, we’re gonna be at every concert we can get tix for….and we can sit in the disabilities section and still enjoy it! Movie theatres, bike riding, Disneyland! Oh my! This is one excited and humbled momma.
Susan Wilks Huff
June 2021
See comment by BlackSheepGirl on Acesight:
I got to try this for about 5 minutes. I thought it seemed very comfy, more comfy that another one I tried. 😮 The set up seems much nicer in 2021. :))
YouTuber, BlackSheepGirl

See the comment at Acesight Introduction Video #1: Unpacking Your Acesight
YouTube Channel: BlackSheepGirl
May 2021
Meet Shen, a boy who saw the HP bar the first time in Arena of Valor with the help of Zoomax Snow 12.
Click the link and check out the video!

April 2021
Meet Maureen Hayden, a marine biology graduate student who is legally blind yet has her sights firmly set on a career as a scientist. She uses Acesight Electronic Glasses to “better see the materials I’m working with”.
Read her full story at Check it out!
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