About Visual Aids

a couple using zoomax luna 6 handheld video magnifier to look at pill bottle

How to Choose a Good Visual Aids? 

People who help their visually impaired family member or friends choose a visual aid may happen to get confusion what can be a good option when searching on web. While for those with vision loss, knowing what to be considering when making a purchasing decision of a low vision aids is important as well.  Here it comes the very helpful tips   >>>>

Does the Low-Vision E-Glasses a good fit for me?

When trying to look for the low vision aids for watching TV or far distance-viewing, you may be suggested to look at the electronic glaesses,  E-glasses. But  you may wonder if the device is suitable for you for some certain reasons. Let;s   figure it out now! >>>> 

travel in summertime with low vision aids

Traveling in Summertime? You May Need This Visual Aid!

Summer is coming right now. Many people choose to travel in the summertime because at this time, they are able to get rid of heavy clothes and dress up for going out with their loved ones. The good weather always brings a good mood and allows people to carry out multiple outdoor activities   >>>>

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